Join us as we bring Kansas City together for a special screening of Beyond the Bridge, a powerful documentary by Bigger Productions that showcases how cities across the country are uniting to end homelessness.

Independence Boulevard Christian Church (IBCC) is partnering with House KC to "pack the house" and inspire action. This event will bring together neighbors, city council members, political leaders, service organizations, and advocates to spark meaningful conversations and drive real change toward ending homelessness in Kansas City.

Date: May 7th
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: 606 Gladstone Ave, Kansas City, MO 64124 (Intersect KC / Independence Boulevard Christian Church)

We have an honor of having three out of town guest speakers at our event and on our panel.

  • Don Sawyer– Director& Producerof Beyond the Bridge

  • Tim Hashko- cinematographer, Director & Producer of Beyond the Bridge

  • James Mathy – Milwaukee County Housing Administrator & Architect of the Homeless Response System

3 Way to get Involved with this Movement!

  1. Be a Volunteer

We need dedicated volunteers both before and during the event! If you love event planning, have skills in marketing, enjoy organizing panel discussions, or thrive on being part of an event team, we’d love to work with you.

Day-of event volunteer roles include:

  • Hospitality

  • Parking assistance

  • Greeting guests

  • Setup & cleanup

  • Concession stand support

  • And more!

If you want to be a key part of this event and help create a welcoming experience, fill out the form beside this section and select the volunteer opportunities you're interested in.

Partner with us financially to make this event possible. Your contributions will go toward equipment, film rights, travel and compensation for our guest speakers, and venue costs.

Sponsorship Levels:

  • $100 – Name listed on screen at the event

  • $500 – Name listed on screen & flyers + 2 VIP passes

  • $1,000 – Name listed on screen + 5 VIP passes + logo on all new publicity (event page & flyers)

  • $2,500 – Name & logo listed on screen + verbal recognition during event + 10 VIP passes + logo on all new publicity (event page & flyers)

Every donation, big or small, helps bring this event to life.

2. Be Donor or Sponsor

3. Help us Promote this Event!

House KC, IBCC, and Intersect KC want to pack the house! We need your help spreading the word to show that Kansas City is ready to take action on ending homelessness.

If everyone who visits this page shares it with 10 friends, we’ll reach our goal of 600 RSVPs in just a few weeks!

Fill out the form beside this section and check “I want a media package” to receive materials to help us promote this event.